Gored anomalies of the east

 A small compilation of 4 possible Asian cattle  


   Asia is a Mysterious land, guarding many mysteries for thousands of years, which are still pending to be solved, especially the jungles of China and Indochina and today we will analyze some creatures, various types of antelope that are said to live or lived there, we begin. 

      The forgotten Xi'anyang  

   We start in northern China, where it is said that a creature mentioned in ancient Chinese bestiaries lived by the name of Xi'anyang. 

According to Chinese tales, this was a creature similar to a combination between a deer with a goat's beard and a horse's tail, although it seems that it was perhaps a type of bovid or antelope. 

This animal lived in the high mountains, apparently presenting a marked dimorphism and it is spoken of as if it had been real. It was believed that its meat, if eaten, would cure skin diseases, which perhaps ended up extinct if it existed. , this is widely represented in Chinese art, but its information is scarce. 

       The enigmatic Ling 

     It was a creature mentioned in the encyclopedia San Cai Tu Hui, a compilation of writings of academic interest published by Wang Chi and Wang Si Yi, and published in 1607, one of its pages contains a drawing and a brief accompanying text about a robust horned creature known as a ling. 

According to the encyclopedia it said: "it looks like a goat but it is bigger. Its horns are round and have pointed tips." "

 There is also a fanciful account of how he uses his antlers to hang from trees at night to sleep. The animal depicted in the drawing does not resemble any known species of ungulate, except for its horns, whose shape and pattern of veins, as Macdonald and Yang recognize, do resemble those of Pseudonovibos, the same genus as the khing voar, of which I leave your article, but outside of this there is little or no information, given that it is practically a single illustration.  

  Muskoxen in Mongolia  

     From China we went to Mongolia, with an enigmatic case, the musk ox is known today only in Greenland and the Arctic, although they formerly lived in the crown of the globe, but there could be evidence that until recently there could be a remnant of survival of this species in Asia. 

 It is believed that specifically in the mountains of Mongolia and north-central Siberia these cattle survived until not long ago, this is based on the fact that in 1924, two silver plates extracted from tombs from the 1st century BC in the Noyon Uul mountains, in Mongolia , show clear carvings of a musk ox, even though they supposedly became extinct in Asia 8,000 years ago. But then, in 1948, muskox skulls from 1800 to 900 BC were discovered on the Taymyr Peninsula, at a burial site of the Xiongnu nomad, Siberia, as well as some subfossil skulls in 1984 near the same site. The 1948 skulls had holes, as if they had been drilled by humans, possibly hunting. 

To put this in perspective, it was believed that musk oxen had become extinct 20,000 years ago outside of the Arctic, but if this is correct, these Eurasian oxen would have survived into historic times, to the point that they were still roaming the steppes when Thousands of kilometers away, the famous Solomon was crowned, it is not surprising knowing the conditions are favorable for them. 

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Tuoa, The mysterious ungulate of Vietnam 

    We end up with an even stranger case from Indochina, it was a mysterious creature, captured only once in early 1995 near A Luoi, in the central Vietnamese province of Thua Thien-Huen, Vietnam, near where the saola was discovered. 

These were called Tuoa and were described as 2 females, one adult and one immature female of a goat-like species with a rounded head, long ears, horns, stocky body and black and white fur patterned with beige and gray patches. . 

According to this, she was captured alive along with a calf, both of whom were tied up. Due to this, the female died shortly after and the calf ended up escaping, but despite the fact that scientific authorities were notified of this, they could find little at the scene since the Villagers ate the animal's body before they arrived, at the end of the day the identity of this animal remains a mystery, since it did not resemble any bovid known up to that time. 

As we can see, Asia is a mysterious land that still needs to be explored, so for now that has been all for me, I hope you support me and follow me, thank you for your preference.


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