What storms bring

 The story of a supposed dead theropod in England

Warning: This story is not verified as you will see, I cannot guarantee that it is real or not, here we are impartial, it is up to you to analyze the story and see what you think is better, well that is clear.

This story begins on Friday afternoon, August 16, 1958, when England was hit by the worst summer thunderstorm in its history. There are many deaths due to lightning, and what concerns us is the following:

At one point during the storm, north of Redhill Road, in Wirral, something was heard being struck by lightning, and something crashed to the ground, generating a sound similar to thunder.

The next day, according to some young students alerted some police officers that they found what caused the sound, the officers went to the place, expecting it to be a tree or something similar, the surprise was that no, the surprise was something much more shocking.

Before the people in a clearing, an enormous creature similar to a large lizard lay lying on the ground, but more accurately a type of theropod similar to the tyrannosaur, with a smoking wound on its head, apparently where the lightning had struck, According to the young people, the creature was still breathing, but when the officers arrived it appeared to have died.

Curiously, months ago in April, 2 of the young people had told the officers that they had seen that being in brackenwood park, where supposed footprints had been left, Although on that occasion the officers believed it was a joke, now it turned out not to be.

According to the person who spread the story, several people wanted to get closer, but the officers prevented them, more than anything because of fear, in them the most absolute nervousness and fear was evident in every action and word.

After examining it, it actually coincided in shape and size with a large theropod, similar to the tyrannosaur, but it also had patches of feathers all over its body, something that was known until not long ago, the most disturbing thing came when they saw that in the animal's mouth, between its enormous teeth, The remains of a dead person lay, whom they identified as a local homeless man, who everyone knew and although they suggested removing him, they decided not to.

The surprise and exaltation continued, someone suggested calling an expert, and so they agreed to save the body and do it but then...

The beast opened its eyes waking up....

As soon as the animal began to move, the officers rushed everyone out of there due to fear; As soon as they returned there was no trace of the animal or the vagabond, and neither was ever heard from again, remaining only in the memory of the witnesses.... but... what was that?, What was that strange creature... ?, Maybe it is a mystery of many that remain unsolved, we could call it false, but due to the description of the creature added to the date everything becomes more strange every time it is dug on it.

[The testimony is a fragment that I found from an edition of a radio program directed by the illustrious Billy Butler, broadcast in the 70s, it could be real, it could be false, But I found the story curious, as much as it remains in you, I am only limiting myself to sharing this, which is almost impossible to find on the Internet, thank you for reading, You would do me a great favor by following the blog if you like and sharing this]


  1. Para mi, es algo bastante interesante, podria servir para una película de terror en cuanto al trasfondo, pero fuera de eso, si suena algo muy extraño de encontrar a un teropodo de la nada. Puede que esta historia en la forma mas simple, sea solo un montaje o una confusión de algun animal pero convergente a los Tyrannosauridos o que sea un nuevo tyrannosauridae pero quien sabe


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