A monster roaming the depths

  A being seen in the abysses 

    The ocean keeps several unknowns and mysteries, which still remain to be discovered and investigated, but recurrently some of these enigmas accidentally collide with us, as is the case that we will see today, about a strange animal seen in one of the most important moments of oceanography, thanks for reading, let's get started. 

     alvinn's sea serpent 

    It was a huge creature reported during the dive of the submersible Alvin, a prolific deep-sea submersible that first dived into the depths in 1965, but the sighting we are concerned with occurred at 5,000 feet, in the deep waters of the Bahamas, in 1965. 

According to the story, the sighting occurred in a test in the Tongue of the Ocean, a very deep stretch of water that separates the islands of Andros and New Providence, when engineers Marvin McCamis and Bill Rainnie, literally and the best of the two saw it, which was McCamis said the following in his statements for various books:

We were about 5,000 feet down and then down into a crevice about 300 feet deep under a slight outcrop. We went deeper because the cable we were following crossed the crack. It was right there where we saw it, the first thing I noticed was the movement, I thought we were moving along the cable and I checked if there was drift, but I discovered that the submarine was stationary and that it was the object that was moving, so It occurred to me that perhaps it was a pole formation, especially because of its thick shape, I turned the submarine in an arc to get a better view along the cable or pole or whatever, when I was amazed to see a thick body with fins, a long neck, a snake-like head with two eyes looking directly at us, it looked like a big lizard with fins: it had two pairs of them. Then he swam up on his back before we could get the cameras oriented, they were scheduled to photograph 15-25 feet in front of the sub and the thing had already gone out of camera angle but it was still around, I didn't like how they were happening things, so I went up. I couldn't believe what I was seeing but I didn't want to stay there. 

Having no proof of what they saw, they hesitated to talk about their sighting, for fear of being ridiculed by the scientific community. It was not until many years later that this sighting was made public, by Captain McCamis, who was a man. respected, trustworthy and generally a credible witness, given the nature of his profession. 

Theories and unanswered questions 

     Theories of the identity of this creature abound and have caught the attention of various scientists and researchers. On the one hand, there are those who believe that it could be a long-necked pinipede. Let us remember that these have already existed as Acrophoca longirostris, a species of long-necked seal. that inhabited the Chilean Pacific in the Miocene, although there are theories that some type of long-necked mouths could have existed until the present day. 

Some more think that it is a fraud, others believe that it could be a simple confusion with another animal or there are still others who believe that it could be a relic of some extinct species. Although this is unlikely because in reality if so it would be a very very possibility. remote Although the theory of the Long-necked Pinipedo is the most plausible and we will explain that in another article, for now this is all and if you want to know more I recommend you investigate, I hope you liked the article, don't forget to follow me for more. 

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