Grandpa's mysterious notebook

  The story of a supposed pterosaur hunted in Mexico 

Warning: I found this story from an external source, I neither affirm nor deny that it was a real case, nor will we question the validity of the facts, I share this to make it better known, to preserve it and as entertainment, without further ado we begin.

    This story begins in 20th century Mexico, years before the Mexican revolution in the Tamaulipas region, in those years the region was sparsely populated and it was populated by powerful forests, so beautiful, lush and majestic that little remains of them today.

Among those mountains, there would be the story of who we will call Germán, who at that time lived on a ranch with his father in the lonely mountains, as a child who at that time was 10 years old, who knew how to read and write thanks to his father, being his father's right hand in the tasks of taking care of crops and livestock, having as a hobby writing in a notebook as a diary, but soon there would be an event that would mark him forever.

One of many days, Germán's father would come running to the house, since the boy was working inside it, telling his son to go out, since Germán was very fond of animals, he would surely love to see what his father said, so they both went to the place indicated by his Father, they were both surprised to see what was there, 20 meters away from them it was what for decades they said looked like a gigantic bird.

Being so close they were both able to see the smallest detail of the animal, said creature was the size of a horse, with a fairly long beak and a black head with a gray crest on it, also having a gray body that is short compared to the limbs and neck, teniendo un pelo gris y erizado que lo cubria, similar al de una rata. This one also had huge wings the color of an eggshell, having a texture and composition similar to that of a bat, moving in fact the same as one, in addition to this it had a small protruding tail and a scaly piece of skin from the top of its long beak to the top of the neck just like iguanas or lizards have.

Once they contemplated the appearance of the being, they saw it trot a little across the terrain, using its wings instead of its limbs, apparently it was injured, since according to Germán the animal showed difficulty breathing, since it sounded as if it was trying to take in air and couldn't. Germán's father, upon seeing that the creature was suffering, went to the house to get his 32 caliber weapon, loading bullets and aiming at the creature's back, and then he shot..

But something strange happened, the creature did not die, it made a very strange scream of pain, like the combination between the sound of a truck horn and a whistle, taking flight immediately, Seen from the ground, it had a pair of membranes similar to 2 ailerons on its legs, giving it a rhomboid shape, similar to what kites or flying squirrels look like, Thus, both parents and son, remained motionless watching the creature, until it finally fell to the ground. Once he fell to the ground near a lake that was on the property, both of them went to check, the creature had died and thanks to this they confirmed the anomalous characteristics of the creature, in addition to the disproportionate nature of its body, and although they wanted to bury it, it was too big, so Germán's father went and carried it., Apparently it had hollow bones since it was quite light for its size, so he threw it into the lake, And so when he returned home, Germán wrote this down in his notebook.

Thus the years passed, Germán had children and later grandchildren, to whom he told this story and one of his grandchildren Already at an advanced age, he is the one who told the story to a young man who made it public, that after analysis and recent paleontological discoveries one could notice its similarity to pterosaurs, extinct millions of years ago, it is unheard of to think about this, since there is no evidence of the survival of the large dinosaurs, but everything is difficult to verify, since perhaps the lake where the creature was thrown does not exist and it does exist, The bones must surely have already been destroyed due to erosion, leaving only the story in the notebook as evidence, apart from that it is not known what could have happened be this animal and whether this was real, his case had come to light until a long time ago, so everything that continues is at his discretion, although the fact of a description seems intriguing to me so accurate and true to what we know about the pterosaur family today, rather than reconstructions that they had in the 20th century and it goes without saying that it is almost impossible for peasants from a mountainous area where not even the radio reached to be able to know or even know that the word dinosaur exists, so the history of this bird will always remain a mystery.

If you liked the story, please share and help continue with this project, thank you for reading, everyone have a happy night.


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