A strange spotted dog

 The mysterious canine of the mountains of Myanmar

The jungles of Burma are still full of species waiting to be discovered, but sometimes strange cases of conditions also occur, like the one we will see today, thank you for reading, we begin.

The Myanmar Land Dog

    It is a strange canine that would live in the jungles of the Myanmar region, specifically in the Karen Hills region of Shan State and Kayah State.

It is described as a medium-sized canine, (the same size as a Portuguese water dog), being black and white, with long fur, also called "earth dog", since it supposedly makes its dens by digging backwards in the ground, In addition to the fact that these have very different behavior from other canids, like living in mountains and in burrows, as well as being solitary.

It is confirmed that their habitat is mountainous, being even seen on the borders of Nepal and India., The reports and supposed captured specimens of this creature date back to the 19th century, thanks to British colonizers who studied them relatively little during the explorations of those areas, in addition to surveys by Burmese biologists, that they came to consider it a new species but... however the paradigm changed.

A mysterious wild breed 

    It turns out that despite the hypotheses, these canines were anything but a new species, after a systematic genome analysis it was determined that they belong to the genus Canis familiaris, since it was possible to find some specimens from which samples were obtained.

The results showed that these were not genetically different from the domestic dog, These are medium-sized animals, with black and white spots all over their body similar to those of a leopard, in addition to a mane similar to that of hyenas and long fur, but these turn out to be no different from domestic dogs, so it is theorized that it is an unknown feral breed.

Little is known about these animals objectively, so their nature is an absolute mystery, Let's hope they can be studied soon to learn more about these mysterious creatures.

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