Crimes against nature and against humanity

 Attempts to hybridize the ape and man 

Warning: This article contains sensitive topics for some people, read it with an open mind, we are dedicated only to dissemination and we are not supporting any idea, theory or conjecture, we start .

      Hybrid animals are relatively common, they have been with us for millennia, such as mules and others have appeared naturally, as is the case of the European bison or the Jefferson mammoth, but there are certain nuances and controversies regarding hybridization.

In today's light, there are many taboos regarding creating genetic hybrids without clear purposes, but this becomes scandalous when we even involve our species, Today we will see the most controversial hybrids known, the hybrids between apes and men, thank you for reading, I hope you support, without further ado, let's start.

Humance, the hybrid between human and chimpanzee 

    We know well that our DNA is a mixture between various hominids such as Neanderthals, Denisovans and others, having characteristics of several species that have made us who we are, but attempts have been made to cross apes and men for strange or even warlike purposes.

The best case that we can highlight is the humance, the hybrid between the modern human and the chimpanzee, which it is said could exist or existed at some point, There are several cases of alleged experiments by scientists before, during and after the Second World War, in order to see their relationship and turn them into weapons.

The crazy, abominable and dastardly plan to create an army of these hybrids was proposed by Soviet biologist Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov in the 1910s, showing it before the World Congress of Zoologists in Graz and in the 1920s, in French Guinea, Ivanov carried out a series of experiments that culminated in the insemination of three female chimpanzees with human sperm, but he did not achieve a pregnancy, in the end he was condemned and repudiated by the Soviet government and exiled to Kazakhstan, perhaps this experiment was replicated during the Second World War in the Nazi concentration camps, where women were inseminated with sperm from various animals, in order to produce pregnancies, but these came to nothing.

Another attempt that is more of an urban legend, says that in the United States an experiment was carried out contemporaneously with the Soviet experiment, but that it did lead to pregnancy, being successful and a calf was born, but in the end due to everything that this implied morally, they ended up murdering the calf and the mother.

Another case that was largely taken for an urban legend occurred in 1980, when there were reports of a crossbreeding experiment between humans and chimpanzees carried out in China in 1967, in 1981, Ji Yongxiang, director of a hospital in Shenyang, was reported to have claimed to have been part of a 1967 experiment in Shengyang in which a female chimpanzee had been impregnated with human sperm, but the experiment was canceled after the great cultural revolution, with the scientists sent to the field and the chimpanzee dead.

This was long considered an urban legend until Dr. Li Guong of the genetic research office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, He confirmed with official records both the existence of the experiment before the Cultural Revolution and the plans to resume testing.

More recently in 2019, unconfirmed reports emerged that a team of researchers led by Professor Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte The Salk Institute for Biological Studies in the US successfully produced the first human-monkey chimera, these being embryos of combined DNA from both species, being according to the development interrupted to avoid ethical problems and attacks on his person.

This is the most famous case, with records even dating back to the Middle Ages, but not the only one that exists... there are 2 other less known but equally reprehensible cases.

Humanrutan, hybrid of human and orangutan

      These are supposed hybrids between humans and orangutans, which today I don't know much about, but in other years, until the 19th century, when this species was more common, it was common to hear about them.

The first author to refer to them was Jacobus Bontius, also known as Jacob de Bondt, was a Dutch physician and naturalist who trained at Leiden University and is now remembered as a pioneer of tropical medicine and oriental zoology. además, He was the first Dutch scientist to carry out a systematic study of the fauna and flora of Java.

In his writings in his book: Historia Naturalis & Medicas Indiæ Orientalis, that in addition to describing the orangutan, I mention beings similar to the mixture of apes with humans, described as beings that had ape and human mobility at the same time, but that they could or could not communicate with words and that according to the Javanese, they were the product of crossing between orangutans and men, product of violations by orangutans to humans, being a fact that is already more than proven to have happened and currently happens.

Thus, in various locations and by respected zoologists, there was talk about the possibility of this crossing and how these supposed hybrids had semi-human behaviors, argued that these had similar reasoning to the orangutan but the ability to use human attitudes equally, but due to the distance of time it is impossible to verify it.

Again, but now in 1928, Il'ya Ivanov proposed another experiment upon returning to RussiaKnowing that his attempts with the chimpanzee failed, he tried a new formula, this time using the orangutan. He asked for volunteers to be impregnated by ape offspring, finding a woman, who agreed, so Ivanov was about to make a first attempt to impregnate his volunteer with orangutan sperm, pero el orangután he died and the experiment had to be postponed, failing and although I tried to do it Since he was arrested in one of the purges of Stalin's regime, in the end this is the only attempt that was made to try to obtain these hybrids.again, I couldn't, Since he was arrested in one of the purges of Stalin's regime, in the end this is the only attempt that was made to try to obtain these hybrids.

Humarilla, the hybrid of human and gorilla

     The most unlikely and rare on the list, the cross between the human and the gorilla, as described in stories as beings of great size and super-human strength.

There are only urban legends about these, about their creation and their use as living weapons, But through DNA studies it has been shown that humans and gorillas are related enough to be able to hybridize.

In fact, the stories of explorers and other partisanship on the part of scientists of the 19th and 20th centuries supported the theory that humans could have gorilla DNA in their genetic code, just like the case of the Neanderthal, based solely on the fact that we share a type of pubic hair louse, but other than that, there is little in favor of such a crossing having been attempted or carried out..

Analysis of possibilities 

      The chances of a real hybridization between the mentioned species and humans are fluctuating, On the one hand, the hybridization of chimpanzees with humans sounds more logical, since they are closely related to us and share 95% of their DNA sequence and 99% of the DNA sequences coding and it was recently known that humans share a large transposition from chromosome 1 to Y with chimpanzees and bonobos that is not found in other apes.

In the case of the orangutan and gorilla, the great apes always coincide on chromosomes 3, 11, 14, 15, 18 and 20 along with humans, although this makes hybridization less possible with man, but not impossible, Let us remember that there have been cases of hybrids whose parents were not closely related, such as the case of hybrids of fox and dog, of Russian sturgeon and American paddlefish or the margay and the cat, but in this case it would not give normal hybrids, it would give rise to unstable animals that are likely to be aborted spontaneously, putting their lives and the mother's life at risk, Of course, if they are born, they would have difficult growth and in adulthood they could become beings with an aggressive and unpredictable character, plus unknown anatomy and skills.

Although we see them as peaceful beings, if we take into account that they have extremely rough characters such as a savage attitude, murderous and bloodthirsty behavior of wild chimpanzees, the aggressive and territorial attitude of gorillas And what is least considered, the aggressive instinct and atrocious tendencies of orangutans such as the rape of others of their own or other species, we would be facing creatures that, They would be an enormous evil for humanity, brought to life by immorality and greed, with effects that we do not know for society, Let's hope these experiments never happen again, because let's remember that there are doors that we should not open and if they do open, there will be no turning back.

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