Something strange hiding in the river

 The mysterious Amazonian holadeira 

  When we think of Amazonian monsters we usually think of giant snakes or large humanoid monsters, But we don't think that there are beings out there that are even more mysterious and that deserve investigation, like the case that we will see now, thank you for reading, I hope you support and share, without further ado, let's get started.

The mysterious sawtooth dolphin 

   It was a supposed dolphin reported from an unknown lake in the Brazilian Amazon basin by the illustrious zoologist Jeremy Wade,(el same one that features river monsters),in 1993.

He first saw the animal about 100 feet away from his boat while fishing. Inquiring with the natives of the place, they said that they had never heard of an animal, leaving this mysterious being unknown. A year later he returned to the area a year later and met with a man who claimed to have seen the animal several weeks earlier and who referred to it as "holadeira" also stating that there were more in nearby rivers.

After several searches, Wade saw the animal again on another expedition while filming a group of common dolphins, After catching a glimpse of its head and photographing it (photo above), he was able to confirm that it was a dolphin, which at first glance looked like a normal animal except for the row of serrated ridges along the back instead of the traditional dorsal fin.

It has been suggested that the animal was an Amazon River dolphin that had been accidentally injured by a fishing net or propeller blades, but Wade said that the notches appeared to be evenly spaced, in light of the spacing of the notches, Wade believes the dolphin had been deliberately mauled by a fisherman, Although after compiling several reports Wade suggested that perhaps it was a single individual since everything corresponded to a specific area.

Uncertainty of the case 

    The information collected by Wade was not enough to rule out the holadeira as an animal, but neither was it enough to prove its existence as verified, according to, could represent a pure genetic coincidence, being unlikely to represent a new species, since only one individual has been sighted, further supported by the fact that Wade saw him with known dolphins, Unfortunately due to lack of information, we will probably never solve the Holadeira mystery.


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