Big and strange lizards

 stories of bipedal lizards in india

  Famous herpetologists often have mysteries and strange anecdotes to tell, most of which are difficult to believe, Many others remain a mystery, as is the case of several types of large reptiles, which have been sighted in the Indian subcontinent, Today we will analyze one of these cases, thank you for reading, I hope you support this and decide to follow me, without further ado, let's get started.

mombay's giant lizards

  These are mysterious large reptiles, sighted by the respectable herpetologist Malcolm Arthur Smith, who claimed to have seen us while collecting data for his book The Fauna of British India: reptilia and amphibia, in 1941 on Salsette Island, in Mombay.

Described as a very large form of the fan lizard, with a total size of 40 cm from head to cloaca and one and a half to two times the length of the head and body; the hind limbs do not reach beyond the snout; lateral scales not intermixed with larger ones; no enlarged scales on occiput. This form appears to be confined to the district around Bombay .

If this species ever exists, it is very possible that it is a relative of the large fan lizards, oh even a variant affected by the phenomenon of island gigantism, although to date, it has only been seen once, The only sighting being reported in Smith's book, and from then on there is no information at all.


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