Dismal croaks in the swamps

 Possible giant toads roaming Hubei 

   China is a country surrounded by mysteries, and it is no wonder that an ancient country with more than 8,000 years of existence has secrets and enigmas that seemed like they will never be solved and even more questions increase due to the current geopolitical situation.

Among these enigmas, a mysterious large amphibian stands out, about which there is not much information on the internet and the little that there is is usually copied from the original source since most of the information is only found in those lands, kept under government control, let's see this case, of the Wuhnan giant toads.

They are supposedly enormous amphibians, which inhabited or inhabit the swamps in the dark corners of the isolated Chinese province of Hubei, specifically in Wuhnan, being known for their vicious territoriality and voracious appetites, inhabiting the rivers, lakes, and swamps of the region, especially Bao Fung Lake, which is said to be the home of these beasts.

                          [Bao Fung Lake]

Described as enormous anurans, similar to toads measuring 1.80 meters in size, and with an extremely aggressive and territorial attitude, described with an almost ghostly white coloration and capable of emanating extremely terrifying noises according to their witnesses, although the rarest peculiarity is that they have teeth, something that few known amphibians currently have, in addition to being extremely aggressive, attacking those who enter their territory.

There have been several reports, from the beginning of the 20th century to the present, although the inhabitants of the area speak of its existence for hundreds of years, being feared since ancient times by villagers and fishermen, although as we always analyze, the most shocking case and where the most information has been obtained has been the one reported by the Brisbane Australia's Courier Mail newspaper, in its 1995 edition:

According to this, an expedition of nine scientists from Peking University, led by Professor Chen Mok Chun, traveled to the remote Wuhnan area in August 1987, in order to make a scientific video, study of the aquatic fauna of the region.

Later and after setting up camp, the men began to hear noises and soon three giant animals appeared in the lake and began to swim towards them, astonished men later described the creatures as having a toad-like appearance, with pale skin and large, open jaws, which appeared to exceed 6 feet in length, more than one witness stated that the animals' gazes seemed both “aggressive” and “predatory.”

As these men of science stared in disbelief at the monstrosities that pounced on them, one of the creatures suddenly deployed its gigantic tongue and, before the witnesses could react, launched the appendage forward, hooking one of the camera tripods by the leg and pulling it back into the water, the scientists watched in amazement and terror as the animal proceeded to devour its inanimate prey.


In the end the animals made a horrible, blood-curdling sound and returned to the water, leaving the researchers dismayed.

In another instance, this hypothetical species could have been represented in Chinese mythology, resulting in the origin of the myth of Chan Chu, the money frog, which appears during the full moon near homes or businesses that will receive economic blessings.

This creature is represented as a bullfrog with red eyes, flared nostrils and a single rear end on a mountain of gold coins, in addition to 7 diamond marks on its back, being used as a symbol of good luck 


   Well my favorite part of this, analyzing, the real possibility of a large amphibian is quite likely, we know that in parallel in Giant salamanders also live in China, so Hubei is an area full of swamps and virgin tributaries and unexplored sites, so according to other researchers, due to the amount of food and the humidity of the site, it could provide the ideal conditions to sustain such a species. Personally, I would like to believe that this is the most feasible.

Another theory that has been proposed is that these creatures came from the enormous forest holes, which, as we well know, have been discovered periodically around the world, although this theory would be very archaic, since if these creatures came from those huge holes they would not be able to survive for long when they came out, since theand it would depend on the conditions of these, (we will talk about those places later).

Finally, another theory is that these are just simple legends, which have made people suggestive, confusing animals in the area with these beings, although if they are real, it is possible that they are already extinct, because according to another testimony, (and the one that put them on the map), the villagers tried to exterminate them without success, so maybe they ended up disappearing.

These creatures, despite being in legends and art, have not been proven, but let us remember another case, such as the giant tortoise of Vietnam, an animal that was only known by legends until recently and was given a status of God turned out to be real, let's hope there is more information about these animals in the future since there is not enough definitive evidence To claim that these magnificent creatures are either something from our dreams or something from real life, as no sightings have been recorded since the 1987 report.

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