Terrifying screams from the jungles

A mysterious ape species in Indochina 

  The Vietnam War was a completely horrible conflict for both sides; spending months in the jungle fighting often left psychological scars on the soldiers, and they not only had to take care of the enemies but also the animals.

There were more who died at the hands of diseases, animal attacks than those who died by bullets, and Vietnam has a fauna as varied as it is dangerous, from aggressive leopards to poisonous snakes, but in the middle of everything, there is a mysterious being, which has not been well proven, but which, It was the terror of the Vietnamese and American soldiers, come with me to see this.

The legend of batutut

    It is a strange type of hominid, which is said to live in jungle areas of Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, also northern Borneo, being an extremely wild and hostile being.

Described as a huge, aggressive, bipedal ape-like being, usually described as being approximately 1.8m (6ft) tall and covered in hair except for the knees, the soles of the feet, hands, and face, the color ranges of its hair vary from gray to brown and black, the creature walks on two legs and has been reported alone and in small groups and is most often seen gathering food from fruits and leaves to langurs and even flying foxes, although in Borneo, Witnesses describe it as being four feet tall and very aggressive, occasionally killing humans and ripping out their livers.

Este volvió muy conocido por los relatos de soldados que lucharon en la guerra de Vietnam, donde además de los peligros y ataques enemigos, los soldados tanto aliados como enemigos debian temer a estos animales, como se ve en el libro Very Crazy GI - Strange but True Stories of the Vietnam War, These animals were called "rock monkeys" and the most explicit stories recount multiple violent attacks with armies from both sides, as well as attacking and massacring soldiers while they slept, or attacking using rocks as weapons, that's the reason for his nickname, Although the most chilling reports were the loud screams of these beings that were heard after the bombings in the middle of the jungle.

Physical evidence

But is there evidence? Well, I remind you, here we do not support bigfoot ideas, but this ape has much more in favor of being real than that fallacy.

For example, there is evidence of a specimen hunted by soldiers, but this is doubtful.

Although a somewhat strong proof was made by researcher Tran Hong Viet of Hanoi Pedagogical University, who announced in 1982, which while he had been making an extensive inventory of postwar natural resources, and while collecting specimens near Chu Mo Ray in Sa Thay district, he came across the tracks of this species, making a mold whose photo was later published by the Fortean News of the World (Japanese Fortean Information Society).

Another piece of evidence is a supposed skull of this species, whose whereabouts today are unknown, although this evidence is too doubtful to be real, but if it is, let's hope it's safe in a museum.

Final analysis

Also due to some stories, the sightings continue to this day, apparently surviving the bloody conflict, But, is it real? Well, I don't know what to think, here we try to be impartial, so, real, oh no, you have the final criterion.

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