The death cell

 The legend of the scorpion from cell 27.

   The desert of northern Mexico is home to countless poisonous and dangerous species, the most notable of these being scorpions, this area housing some quite poisonous species of which there is a record.

However, according to legends, there could be a large scorpion that roams around what is now Durango. Let's get to know this legend, come with me.

The history 

  At the end of the 19th century in the state of Durango, Mexico there was a prison in which there was a cell feared by all the inmates, this being cell 27, because it was known that the prisoner who entered this cell was found dead the next morning.

The story of the strange event is long, but enjoy it:

In 1884, a young man named Juan, nicknamed by everyone Juan without fear, worked on the Cacaria hacienda in Durango for his great bravery, When Juan wanted to kill a rabid dog in the town that was about to attack some children, he accidentally shot a woman for which he was imprisoned in the Durango penitentiary, But he left behind his fiancée who swore that she would wait for him to marry him.

So, Juan upon entering the premises heard the guard say that if someone discovered the mystery of cell 27 they would obtain their freedom, so Juan fearlessly accepted the deal, Juan before being imprisoned in the cell asked for a couple of things such as a box of matches, his hat and a wooden bench so Juan ready to discover the mystery lay down to try to rest by candlelight while waiting patiently for something to happen.

At the stroke of midnight Juan heard strange noises so he lit a match but seeing nothing out of the ordinary he lay down Again a couple of hours later he heard something crawling on the wall of the cell so he proceeded to light a match. His terror was enormous when he saw that a giant scorpion was perched on the wall 30 cm long and with a challenging and extremely aggressive attitude.

Juan, upon seeing such an animal and its behavior, understood why it had caused many deaths, the scorpion, after a few minutes of observation, this animal quickly headed towards Juan with the intention of attacking him, so in With a quick movement, the man placed his hat on the animal, which entangled its stinger in the fabric and then placed the wooden bench on the hat, trapping the animal, so Juan waited for dawn and the guards' surprise was enormous when they saw Juan alive, since they expected him to have died at the point of bringing the stretcher ready, The guard then, keeping his word, gave Juan indulgence when he saw that he discovered the mystery of the cell and that he regained his freedom, Thus he himself gained his freedom for his courage, here we have the photo of the specimen:

The scorpion specimen is currently exhibited in the Mining Museum of Durango, Mexico, and the cell is today a tourist attraction But what is this animal? It's curious, there are large giant scorpions, but these are exclusive to tropical or temperate zones, it would be rare for a species this large to inhabit northern Mexico, although who knows, maybe it could, let's remember that if the right conditions exist, animals tend to grow quite large, especially arthropods.

              [Emperor scorpion image]

It is possible that such a species existed or perhaps it was a mutated animal, or who knows, this has not been proven or denied, and to this day it continues to fuel this legend, and therefore the specimen has not been analyzed to keep this story safe and prevent the mysticism of this creature from being lost.


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